The foreign individual or the foreign company that has to collect a debt in Naples (Napoli), Italy (Italia), may appoint our Italian qualified lawyers to effectively legally proceed with the collection against the debtor. Marzorati Law Firm deals since a very long time, all over Italy, with the activity of debt recovery and debt collection. […] 02:10:592020-01-27 20:02:04Debt recovery and debt collection in Naples (Napoli), Italy: Italian qualified lawyer / Attorney / Marzorati Law Firm in Italy
Acknowledging in our Italian Courts many different foreign laws may bring inevitable moments of debate and comparison among principles of other countries, which may collide with our principles. The principle, already recognized in Italy, of allowing the implementation of foreign laws in legal proceeding before Italian Courts may have some limits: in particular, we would […] 05:39:462020-01-27 20:03:28The implementation of foreign laws and its compliance with the Italian law may have some limits: the Moroccan case
To divorce (divorziare) pursuant to Italian law, also if the spouses live abroad or are foreigners, entails the knowledge of all the chances of an agreement from the economic standpoint. In case wide real estate properties are available and the spouse(s) may think about starting a divorce legal proceeding in Italy, it may be useful […] 03:20:022020-01-27 20:02:25In Italy, it’s possible to pay off the ex-spouse by means of a transfer of ownership of real estate assets
Debt recovery and debt collection in Naples (Napoli), Italy: Italian qualified lawyer / Attorney / Marzorati Law Firm in Italy
The foreign individual or the foreign company that has to collect a debt in Naples (Napoli), Italy (Italia), may appoint our Italian qualified lawyers to effectively legally proceed with the collection against the debtor. Marzorati Law Firm deals since a very long time, all over Italy, with the activity of debt recovery and debt collection. […]
The implementation of foreign laws and its compliance with the Italian law may have some limits: the Moroccan case
Acknowledging in our Italian Courts many different foreign laws may bring inevitable moments of debate and comparison among principles of other countries, which may collide with our principles. The principle, already recognized in Italy, of allowing the implementation of foreign laws in legal proceeding before Italian Courts may have some limits: in particular, we would […]
In Italy, it’s possible to pay off the ex-spouse by means of a transfer of ownership of real estate assets
To divorce (divorziare) pursuant to Italian law, also if the spouses live abroad or are foreigners, entails the knowledge of all the chances of an agreement from the economic standpoint. In case wide real estate properties are available and the spouse(s) may think about starting a divorce legal proceeding in Italy, it may be useful […]